Saturday, July 25, 2009

Reality #1 - 'Things are not always what they seem'

Brooke has been talking about 'sleepovers' for a year now and when she got an invite for a sleepover the other day - she was thrilled! With much anticipation, she planned and talked about it for a week. We talked about what it might be like and she had packed what she would take many days ahead. The night had come and I was looking forward to some quiet solitude (Keith was away as well) - I had just started to watch a movie when I got a call around 10:00 p.m. and the other Mom said Brooke was having a hard time...but just 'hearing my voice' wasn't going to work. A half hour later, she was safely back in her own bed, with her Mom nearby. She announced to me sleepily, "I'm just to young for sleepovers - I'll have to wait until I'm 7..... or 8.

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